Wednesday 19 April 2017

Basic Electricity on Friday - Joker Nies, Gino Robair, Richard Scott

Join us on Friday, April 21st for an evening of hands-on live electronics with Joker Nies, Gino Robair and Richard Scott. It’s the second Basic Electricity concert in our new, super venue, the König Otto in Berlin, Neukölln.

There’s more info, pics + video here and the Facebook event is here.

Here is a video of the re-opening concert with Wolfgang Seidel, Hilary Jeffery and me:

direct link

We're looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

BE#20, Friday, 21.04.17 @ König Otto
Am Sudhaus 3, 12053 Berlin Neukölln
U7 Rathaus Neukölln or U8 Boddinstr.
Tickets 8€. Doors open 20:00, music starts at 21:00.
Seating is limited to 50, so please come on time.
The bar will be open for drinks and sandwiches.